What do I get with my group booking?
​In addition to the Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk or Pantoland film each group will receive a ‘Panto in a box’ package that will contain everything you need to give your members or residents the best panto experience possible. It includes a Christmas singalong with Dame Dolly Doughnut and on request, a personal message/shout out from our resident Dame, Peter Duncan.
How much does it cost?
The total cost for each of our three films is £75 – or £100 for all three
If the size of your group or care home is below 25 please email info@pantoonline.co.uk for a discount code
​All prices include booking fee & VAT   ​
How do I book?
To book with a credit card, click the 'buy now' button above, or click here. 
If you'd like to pay by BACS or by cheque, or need to be invoiced in advance, please click here to send us an email with your details - please be sure to mention which Panto you want to watch! - we will contact you with an invoice and the details for payment.
Once booked, to access all the materials below you simply log into our website using your registration details (email and password):
Online production (can be viewed multiple times during the period online enabling the choice of either watching it together or in small groups at different times.)
A set of printable documents to enhance the experience for your members including: posters, theatre style tickets, stickers and an activity pack.
For further information please find our FAQs HERE or get in touch with us at info@pantoonline.co.uk
What groups said about our shows:
‘We thought it was brilliant, we delivered Panto packs to our families and children and so really liked the activity packs you could download with them’ Youth Centre Manager
‘I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, but the show adapted brilliantly, you’ve really made the kids smile on a horrid rainy day and I’m sure they’ll be singing the songs long after Christmas’ Autism Project parent
'Thanks so much for bringing us Panto magic to our group'.
Beaver Scout Group Leader
'The panto was fantastic!! Lots of fun and we got great feedback from all the residents. WELL DONE ALL OF YOU AND A HUGE THANKYOU!!' Wellbeing Lead, Care home